The Department of Pharmaceutics was established in the year 2005 to equip the pharmacy students with adequate theoretical and practical knowledge in Pharmaceutics, Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Microbiology.
Pharmaceutics is the science that deals with the dosage form design and includes all aspects of the process of turning a new chemical compound into a medication that can be safely and effectively used by patients in the community. Pharmaceutical Microbiology is an applied branch of medical Microbiology. It involves the study of microorganisms associated with the manufacture of pharmaceuticals ensuring the sterility of the finished pharmaceutical product and its suitability for human consumption.
The Department teaches curricular content in the areas of introduction to pharmacy, pharmaceutical calculations, drugs dispensing, physical pharmacy, pharmaceutical technology and dosage form design, medical microbiology, biotechnology, pharmacy practice, biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics. The department program also includes laboratory training, hospital and community pharmacy internships and visits to drug manufacturing plants.
The vision of the department aims to achieve excellence and modernity in the speciality of pharmaceutics and pharmaceutical microbiology teaching and research as well as providing service for professionals in order to improve the health care services in Sudan and raise the level of the local pharmaceutical industry.
The mission of the Department of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Microbiology is to educate students in order to develop world class pharmacy graduates with capabilities and competencies to meet the national and international pharmaceutical challenges and patient care needs. The department mission also includes developing, conducting and supporting researches in Pharmaceutical sciences besides engaging in community service.