Faculties News
Our vision is to be a top-of-mind Commercials Program as reflected by the recognition of our brand, the reputation of our people, and the rankings of our programs.
Our mission is to provide high quality Commerce Education to our undergraduate and post graduate students through the delivery of a current, responsive, and innovative curriculum that promotes intellectual and professional development. Is to offer high-quality academic programs designed to give students a competitive advantage in the world of Business both now and in, and in the future.
1. TO Build the necessary infrastructure that suit the faculty needs. 2. To create a conducive environment. 3. To develop academic, management and research capabilities. 4. Matching the faculty academic programs with labour market needs. 5. To work as aconsultant body in its field to serve the community. 6. To build scientific relationships with peer colleges and regional and international research centers. 7. To accredit faculty programs from local, regional and international accreditation bodies.