Faculty of Agricultural Technology & Fish sciences

Faculties News

About College

Dean Message

I am pleased to welcome you to the Faculty of Agricultural Technology & Fish Science. You are now part of a family that has a long history! A family composed of academic staff, technical staff, administrative staff, farm staff and above all, the students. The Faculty of Agriculture Technology & Fish Science plays a vital role in the development of agriculture and allied fields in the country. We provide the trained manpower that the nation needs, from high calibre graduates to post graduates. We ensure the high standard and quality of our degrees. The Faculty has always been proud of its students, many of whom today are in key positions in Government, parastatal bodies, private sector, and even in regional and international agencies. At the Faculty, we ensure that you get a good mix of the hard core science, the hands-on experience, as well as the soft skills such as verbal, written and visual communication, information technology, scientific writing, team work, meeting deadlines, etc., all of which will contribute to developing your personality, and will help you in the employment market and in society. We encourage all our students to develop their individuality, their critical analytical and creative thinking abilities, and to work independently. I urge all new students to familiarize themselves with the University rules and regulations available from our website. We are increasingly using web platforms for our teaching, assessment and communication. Learn to m



Nosyba Ahmed I...





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