Department of Low vision department

Faculties News

About Department


The low vision depart is one of six sub specialities in optometry dealing with visually impaired people and providing primary care in low vision in addition to rehabilitation


Training students in the depart and provide services to society.


Offer unstructured and services to prepare professionals ....Give specialized trainingaining for low vision students.


The department offers programs of study in a range of subjects related to low vision care professionals.

Each program is designed to prepare students to qualify for one of the following; (Honor), post basic diploma,, PhD, and certificate.


 Students are eligible to graduate with B.Sc. ( honor) in low vision when they have successfully completed  the four years ( 8 semesters) of general optometry plus one year (2 semesters) in low vision department.  

Head of the department word:

The depart play amain role in low vision field through swell qualified staff by training student and managing low vision patients and prescribing low vision aids and rehabilitative issues.

 Low vision is an increasing health problem due to reduction of vision which is not responding to medical treatment. An estimated (135) million persons in the world with low vision and needs a low vision services.

The faculty of optometry and visual science is the only provider of vision enhancement ( non-surgically) in Sudan hence; the faculty educates and trains students to take up professional careers in a wide range of optometry.

For these reasons the faculty introduces a department of low vision which provides the students with knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to become a low vision care professionals.