The aim of this course is to graduate student with sound knowledge in dermatology and sexually transmitted infections through lectures,tutorials,seminars and clinical rounds. This course covered the basics that student should know (anatomy,histology,physiology of the skin and urogenital tract),functions of the skin and the primary skin lesions.Areas that student should know (common viral, fungal, bacterial infections and parasitic infestations), squamous scaly skin eruptions, diseases of skin appendages, leprosy, genitalulcers, urethral discharge,HIV AIDS are highly emphasized Knowledge about topical and systemic treatment is essential. And knowledge about photo therapy (PUVA,UVB,LASER) is important for student to hear about. Skills (clerking,eliciting demonstrating primary and secondary skin lesions) performing cautery curettage and doing skin biopsy are conducted in this course. Attitude towardspatients, juniorstaff, colleagues and senior staff can be gained.