University Publications

Al Neelain Journal of Science and Technology - - Issue (6) - EDITORIAL BOARD


The Editor in Chief, the Editorial and the Advisory Boards of Neelain Journal of Science and Technology “NJST” have the pleasure to publish the 1st issue of volume (6) of this journal. NJST is a multidisciplinary, refereed, peer reviewed quarterly international journal issued by the Faculty of Science and Technology, Al Neelain University, Khartoum Sudan. NJST is expected to publish new findings and up to date research in different disciplines of scientific research and development. It also encourages the submission of critical review articles covering advances in recent research of science and technology fields as well as technical notes. Publishing NJST Journal will hopefully establish and provide an international avenue for information exchange in all fields of scientific research and a highly readable and valuable addition to the literature, which will serve as an indispensable reference tool for years to come. NJST also encourages the submission of critical review articles covering advances in recent research of such fields as well as technical notes. NJST Editorial Board will do their best effort to promote the Journal to the leading International Journals’ level in scientific research and technology. We would like to thank all authors who participated in this 1st issue. I would like to thank all members of the editorial board and the advisory board members for their continued support to NJST with their highly valuable advices. Additionally, I would like to thank the manuscript reviewers for providing valuable comments and suggestions to the authors that helped greatly to improve the quality of the papers. We also appreciate the unlimited support and encouragement we received from our colleagues and staff members at the Faculty. The NJST invites contributions from the entire scientific research and technology community. The NJST will assure rapid publication of manuscripts after submission. I would be delighted if NJST succeeds in fulfilling its mission and objectives and plays a positive role in delivering valuable and interesting information to the worldwide community of scientific research and technology. To attain these values, your cooperation and contribution are highly appreciated. More information about the NJST guidelines for preparing and submitting papers may be obtained from Prof. Dr. Abdel Karim Sabir Ali Editor-in-Chief Faculty of Science and Technology, Al Neelain University, Khartoum, Sudan