Libraries Secretariat

Automated System Department

About Department

Established in 2010 where the computer unit had been developed to operate an integrated automated system in the library and the integrated open-source Koha system has been applied by the University library for the first time in Sudan. Also the Department of the Automated System in the University has participated in the project of applying the integrated open-source Koha system as a unified system for the libraries of the Sudanese universities

Department Contacts

Phone Number




1.    Manages and operates the automated systems in the library which are the integrated open-source system (Koha) to manage the activities and duties and (Dspace) to manage the digital content.
2.    Coordinates with the other library departments to activate the services provided by the system.
3.    Manages the automated indexes in the library.
4.    Coordinates between the library and the Arab Unified Index to make use of the Index services

5.    Trains the researchers and specialists in the field to use the systems.
6.    Coordinates with the Computer Center for maintenance and development as there are internet-connected eight computers in the Department.