A time series Analysis for Fish Production and Fish Supply in Sudan - Journal of Science and Technology, (SUST) Natural and Medical Sciences - Sudan - 44-54 - Vol.14.1 , ISSN-1605-427X - June 2013.
Proportional Stratification Component of Design Effect - Journal of Science and Technology (SUST), Natural and Medical Sciences - Sudan - 42-55 - Vol.14.2 ISSN-1858-6805, ESSN 1858-6813 - December 2013.
Precision and Distribution of Design Effect in Two Stage Cluster Sampling - Scientific Journal of Commerce, Economical & Social Studies - Sudan - 13-29 - Vol.2, No. 4 ISSN 1858-6376, - June 2014.
Disproportional Stratification Component of Design Effect: Case of Equal Strata Variances & Different Strata Means - Nile Basin Research Journal:, Vol. 16, No. 2 ISSN-1858-621x - Sudan - Vol. 16, No. 2 ISSN-1858-621x - December 2013.
Clustering Component of Design Effect - International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) - Jordon - 173-185 - Vol.14.1 , ISSN-1605-427X, - February 2015.
Spectral and Cross-spectral Analysis of Weather Patterns: An Applied Perspective - International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) - Jordon - 253-269 - Vol.22, No. 2 ISSN-2307-4531253-269 - April 2015.
Binary Logistic Regression to Identify the Risk Factors of Eye Glaucoma - International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) - Jordon - 366-376, - Vol.23, No. 1 ISSN-2307-4531 - May 2015.