Department of Medical Nursing

Faculties News


1. Cognitive domain (knowledge):

      By the end of this course the student should be able to:

a. Describe the nursing process and management of human responses to actual or potential health problems. 

b. Identify opportunities for patient education, and incorporate teaching plans and principles of rehabilitation in total care of patients.

c. Identify cultural, spiritual, and psychosocial factors when formulate nursing diagnoses and relevant interventions for individual clients.

d. Identify methods of therapeutic communication and decision-making skills to involve the client in decision making regarding his/her healthcare.

e. Identify theoretical principles and critical behaviors of fundamental nursing and uses critical thinking skills as a framework for clinical decision-making. 

f. Describe various aspect of care for patients with various medical disorders.

g. Identify nursing diagnoses for patients with common medical disorders.

2. Psychomotor Domain (skill):

               By the end of this course the students should be able to: 

a. Demonstrate adherence to legal and ethical standards and policies of the faculty. 

b. Apply the nursing process to interpret and manage human responses to actual or potential health problems. 

c. Assesses, analyze and formulate nursing diagnoses; plan, implement, and evaluate nursing care for patients with medical conditions. 

d. Formulate actual and high risk nursing diagnoses, justifying diagnoses and the interventions necessary to achieve expected outcomes using scientific rationale.

e. Plan and implement nursing care for patients and families that acknowledge cultural influences on perceptions of illness and treatment. 

f. Participate with the health team to establish therapeutic environment that facilitates communication with patients and significant others.

g. Analyze feedback from instructor and nursing staff to promote competence in nursing practice. 

h. Use of the principles of health and sociological sciences that include knowledge skills and attitude in provision of nursing services that meet the patient ,and his relative's needs.

3. Affective Domain (Attitude):

   By the end of this course the students should be able to: 

1. Reflect the legal and ethical responsibilities of the nurse.